The (Fake) Dating Game – III


So, you’re still here. Even with the bad beginning, you’re still wanting to give this a try. Great. Let’s get off this site because I’m not on here very often. (Lie! Most sites will give you notifications that the conversation has continued. And if you’re not on here very often, you sure answered pretty quick.) I don’t mind chatting elsewhere, but I’ve learned Google Hangout isn’t the place to go. I don’t know why but it isn’t. It’s become a place for ‘players.’ I guess because it’s the place to go when you don’t want to give out a phone number. However, I have had actual phone numbers given where the woman and I can text. That’s okay. For a short time.


So, you get her number and you talk on the phone, right? Wrong. When I suggest we do that, there is always some reason she can’t. She’s having issues with the phone and can only text. Apparently, she’s limited to text and internet. This is bogus. I have never heard of any phone doing this. But to accept this, one must believe there are a lot of bad phones out there. I did have a new excuse of why she couldn’t talk – sore throat. However, when the next day showed up and I’d reminded her when I was off work and she could call anytime, there was no call and I didn’t hear from her again. No surprise.

However, if you get a phone number, do an online search. I’ve found several sites that will locate a number. Try it. My number shows up in Des Moines. Okay, I live in Carlisle, but that’s close enough. My friend’s number shows him in Oskaloosa. So, why does a woman who claims to live in Dike, Iowa, two hours away, have her number show up as being in El Paso, TX?

Back to the no talking, the reason they don’t want to talk live is because it’s live. She’d have to talk and answer questions, and maybe be asked some questions about things she really doesn’t care to answer because it’s all a lie. Therefore, by limiting the conversation to texting, she can answer with vagueness, obfuscation, or not answer at all by delaying response. So many times the conversation is going along fine, not great, but okay, and suddenly, she doesn’t respond. Maybe the delay is hours. Why? She can come back and just not answer the question or change the subject. I imagine her looking in the playbook to see what the next line should be because I’ve thrown her a curve or insisted she be courteous enough to answer instead of changing the subject.

I did have one promising hopeful who said there was a 99% chance she’d call later. Alas, I fell into that 1%. I let it go. I didn’t respond. She was the one who was supposed to call and I wasn’t going to chase after her and read some lame excuse. If you want to be serious, then call. It’s what normal people do. Another one, the sore throat woman, said she lived in Polk City. That’s the closest to me I’ve had. Of course, when she didn’t call or respond the next day, I explained the facts and wondered why her number showed she was in Appleton, Wisconsin.

I’m going to make this week’s post shorter than usual because next week I want to discuss a number of the biggest indicators of fake women and fake profiles.

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